Queer Lit for Everyone: In School, Academia and Life

14. November 2024 um 16:00 – 20:00
Queeres Zentrum
Hospitalstraße 20
37073 Göttingen
Queerer Buchclub

A call to all book nerds and literature fans out there: The media library team and the book club are very excited to invite you to our Kulturtage event!

There are two parts:

16:00 – 18:00 –> First, we are very happy to announce that Nele Grosch (she/they) from the English seminar will be joining us for a discussion on queerness in an academic context. We will be talking about how queer studies have impacted the academic world and how someone who is writing texts can include queer studies in their research. You’re welcome to join us if you are interested in this area in general, or if you have questions or comments about specific topics and you would like to talk about them. We would like to create a space where we can discuss our ideas in a more relaxed context than university/school. You are also welcome to join us, even if you are not a student, but generally interested in learning about queer studies or, as mentioned at the start, would like to learn how the library at the Queer Center works.

18:00 – 20:00 –> Secondly, we would like to invite you to a more regular book club meeting where we talk about the book we have read for the month. For this month, we will be reading the Heartstopper comics by Alice Oseman! We chose these comics because they are accessible for free online, so you won’t have to spend any money to join us. We would like to focus our discussion on how Oseman represents her characters. Heartstopper, as a young adult coming-of-age story includes many different characters, whether in sexuality, gender identity or other aspects, which we thought to be a very interesting topic to discuss. Even if you have only seen the series, or even if you have never interacted with the story, you are still welcome to join and share your thoughts based on the discussion, or to just listen to fellow readers talk about books!

We would be very happy to have you, so come join us for a nice cup of tea and snacks, as well as an afternoon full of book-related discussions with like-minded readers! It is also definitely alright if you only join for one part of the event.

The Queer Center is accessible by wheelchair. The event will be held in English or German, depending on the participants‘ preference. We can also provide whisper translations to some extent.

The event is open to everyone!

Dieses Projekt wird aus den Mitteln des Mikrofonds des Stadtjugendrings, Partnerschaft für Demokratie und dem Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms “Demokratie Leben” gefördert.

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